F1 visa interview questions after rejection, plus correction

F1 visa interview questions after rejection, plus expert advise to correct the mistake 

f1 visa interview questions after rejection

F1 visa rejection experiences, F1 visa interview questions for second time, how to apply for F1 visa after rejection

It's a sad experience to get a visa rejection at the US embassy or consulate. But remember that if you've been denied a student visa to study in the USA by the US visa officer, it's not the end of the road. 

You can always re-apply for F1 visa after the first visa rejection and I'll advise that you endeavor to learn how to answer the F1 visa interview questions for second time. In fact, most students got visa rejection on their first interview but they re-applied and got their visa approved on the second interview. Yet, others got rejection on their first and second interview, then finally got their visa approved on the third attempt. So, it's completely normal to get a visa rejection in your first or second interview.

The good news is that you don't need to pay SEVIS fee again for F1 visa after rejection as long as it's not more than a year after the first rejection. Your i-20 eligibility document is valid for one year.

Again, you can always re-apply for visa after any first visa rejection but before you do so, you must research how to pass the US student visa interview. 

There's a right way to answer the US student visa interview questions, and we are here to help you learn how to do it right because once you answer the visa interview questions correctly and you have proof of enough money to study in the USA, the US visa officer will approve your visa in a matter of minutes.

Before I continue to F1 visa rejection experiences and the mistake that students make during the visa interview, let me say that if you're going for the US student visa interview for the first time, read US student visa interview questions and answers PDF or read F1 visa interview questions and answers for PhD, MBA, Master's, Bachelor's. Both of the given sources above, plus the information on this page, would help you get deep insights on how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly and get your visa approved.

You don't just wake up one morning and go to the US embassy or consulate to get a US student visa. You must first learn how to pass the US student visa interview because there's a quota (amount of students allowed) to study in the USA per year, so only certain number of students can get the US student visa in any year. 

You can easily learn how to pass the US student visa interview by ordering the complete successful US student visa interview questions and answers PDF. The eBook will teach you how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly.

F1 visa interview questions after rejection

Having showed you the above, the other thing I want to share with you today is F1 visa rejection experiences, comprising  F1 interview questions after rejection. I mean, REAL interview questions and REAL answers of students who failed the US student visa interview and were denied visa to study in the USA. I'll also show you an eBook containing expert answers and commentaries on how to correct the mistakes.

Let's get started!


US visa officer Vs. Student visa applicant 

VISA OFFICER:   Good morning. Why do you want to travel to the US?

Me:  Good morning (with a smile), I am going for my masters in management information systems.

VISA OFFICER:   Let me have your passport and SERVIS receipt

Me:  (I gave him)

VISA OFFICER:   You work with X firm?

Me:  Yes, please

VISA OFFICER:   After graduation from the university. You have been with this company?

Me:  Yes please. I got a job with them the following year after my NYSC (a national youth service corps). I have been with them since then (4 years).

VISA OFFICER:   what is your highest level of education?

Me:  Bachelor of technology, Statistics.

VISA OFFICER:   Did you write GRE or other test to qualify for this admission?

Me:  No please, GRE is not prerequisite to admission is Lincoln University......... (FIRST CONCERN BUT NOT A CAUSE FOR DENIAL)

VISA OFFICER:   Did you apply to any other school?

Me:  No please, I only applied to LU........ (SECOND CONCERN BUT NOT A CAUSE FOR DENIAL).

VISA OFFICER:   How did you hear about the school?

Me:  I did my research online and discovered this school has a program tailored to my study needs. I am an analyst with X, and I think MIS will further my competence. More so, I have an alumni from the school in my office who influenced my stand on this particular school.

VISA OFFICER:   Have you travelled outside your country before?

Me:  Yes, I have been to our neighboring countries. Those countries don't require a visa or getting my passport stamped (my passport was issued April this year).

VISA OFFICER:   Are you married?

Me:  No please, but I am in a serious relationship (I'm in my mid 30s)......... (THIRD CONCERN BUT NOT A CAUSE FOR DENIAL)

VISA OFFICER:   Sorry, I am unable to issue your visa at this time

(He didn't even look at the supporting documents. He just said that my application has been denied and that the print out he gave me explained the reason.

Why was the student denied visa ? What's wrong with the answers provided by the student ? 


Note: When I say "you" below, I mean the client (student visa applicant) above because what I am about to say here is the same advise I gave the client (student) in my office.

"The US visa officers consider it a red flag if you didn’t do some test exams such as TOEFL, SAT, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, etc. They expect that you should have done at least one standard test. 

The second thing they expect is that you should normally apply to more than one school. You didn’t do any of the above, however, it doesn’t mean that you cannot get your visa without that. But it would count in your favor if you did that. 

The third thing is that you didn’t make any comment about your interest to return home after your studies. 

Don't get me wrong! I never said that if you don't have or didn't do the things I highlighted above that you won't be issued your US student visa to study in the USA. But when so many factors are not in your favor, then it raises a red flag in the mind of the US visa officer.

The visa officer offered you................".

That's not the end of the advise I gave the client (student). The advise goes on but let me end here. 

Get an eBook that contains many such rejected US student visa interview answers plus get an expert advise to learn the mistake the students made. The book contains many interview sessions from different countries around the world, plus powerful expert advise to correct the mistakes. 

Once you've learned how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly, then re-apply for your visa interview and I assure you that you'll get your visa to study in the USA. Order REJECTED US student visa interview answers. Plus expert advise on how to correct the mistake

F1 visa interview questions after rejection

Alternatively, you can also get the eBook of interview questions and answers of students who were REJECTED visa the first time but they re-applied and were APPROVED the second time.

Let me give you an example of that.


US visa officer Vs. Student visa applicant 

(My first interview was DENIED)

Me: Good Morning

Visa officer: Good Morning. Let me have your documents

Me: (passed them)

Visa officer: why did you choose CSUB?

Me: (bla blah blah, I gave an incoherent answer).... (FIRST MISTAKE AND A CAUSE FOR DENIAL)

Visa officer: How many schools did you apply to?

Me: four schools

Visa officer: Name them

Me: (I told him)

Visa officer: (not satisfied with my first answer he asked me again) why didn't you apply to a school in Oklahoma, Nevada or to Arizona?

Me: They don't have my research option. More so, they are too expensive for my parents to pay.......(SECOND MISTAKE AND A CAUSE FOR DENIAL)

Visa officer: Where do you work?

Me: In my Dad's company

Visa officer: Where do you plan to work when you return?

Me: Go back to my Dad's company to add the professional experience I might have gained to the betterment of the company.

Visa officer: I am sorry. I won't issue you a visa this time


But why was the student denied visa the first time ? Why was the student's answers rejected ? 

He was denied visa because he made three critical errors which I've highlighted above but you can't see them unless you understand the rules. That's why he was denied visa. I'll show you his  beautiful second visa interview that earned him the visa and many others if you order the REJECTED first time, APPROVED second time PDF

F1 visa interview questions after rejection

As I said previously, the good news is that the student re-applied immediately and went for a second visa interview some days later and got his visa approved to study in the USA. 

Learn what changed in his answers in the second interview. Learn how to answer the US student visa interview questions correctly. Order the REJECTED first time, APPROVED second time to learn the correct thing you should say. The eBook contains list of both first and second visa interview experiences for you to learn how to correct their mistake.

I am making you an offer to help you. If you order any two of the eBooks above, I'll send you the other one free. I'll see your email address when you order it, so check your email later on the day you order it and you'll see the one I promised you.

Make your study in USA a success at once. Go here to see more study in USA eBooks 

Finally, if you rather need US visitor visa and you're going for the US business or Tourist visa (B1/B2) visa interview, here's the past REAL US B1/B2 visa interview questions and answers PDF. Use it to learn how previous travellers like you convinced the US visa officer to issue them visa to travel to the USA.

We wish you good luck as you prepare for your US visa interview.

f1 visa interview questions after rejection



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